Friday, May 7, 2010

A good start for a bookworm "wanna-be"

Reading has been my hobby these past few months. I have no choice, specially when "brownouts" visit. =D No Facebook. No Youtube. No Google. Not even Microsoft Word for my battery's having major problems! Urgh!

Going back, a good starter for the wanna-bes is to read "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom. Let me give you hints why these book is worth reading. No worries, just little parts of it won't spoil everything! =)

It is a story of a man named Eddie, a head maintenance of Ruby Pier, an amusement park. The story started at the end. Weird huh? But as one of the book's best line said, "All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time."

The "end" started when Eddie died in an accident (it's up to you to find out how.n_n). On his way to heaven he has to meet Five People. Eddie might meet them personally or not. But they have this goal before Eddie find's his way to heaven, and that is to teach him a lesson, to give the meaning of his life. First, he met the "Blue Man". Yes, a blue man, just like the Na'vis. He is normal, aside from he's just blue. hehehe. One of the best lesson Blue Man has taught Eddie was, "No life is a waste. The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone." Next is Captain, Eddie was a soldier way back when he was still young and strong. He met his captain on the top of a tree. Of all places, why is it has to be there? And they started talking. About Eddie's life, his captain's and if Captain is Eddie's second person. Eddie discovered something that his captain kept for a long time which made Eddie hate his captain. But not until the captain taught his lessons to Eddie, "Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you are not losing it. You are just passing it to someone else." The third person is my favorite of the five! A lady that Eddie hasn't met yet, just the time when he died. It was Ruby, the wife of the owner of "Ruby Pier". Even if Eddie worked there, he has no clues on how did the park has that name, as long as he works there, everything's fine. Ruby has one of the best twist in the story. And since it is one of the best, i won't let you know! To give you a clue of what happened Ruby taught this to Eddie, "Things that happened to you before you are born still affects you, and people who come before your time affects you as well." The fourth is Eddies lovely wife, Marguerite. She died because of illness. Before she died, they had problems with their relationship. But dying was never a reason for Eddie's love to fade. "Life dies, Love doesn't", Marguerite said. Inspiring eh? =) And to share to you one of my favorite line from Marguerite, "Love like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with soaking joy, but sometimes under the heat of life, love dries on surface and must be nourished from below. Tending to its roots. Keeping itself alive." And the last person is Tala a young kid, sounds Asian eh? Yes, she is a Filipino. She played a big part on Eddie's life. She died because of Eddie, and Eddie killed her without knowing that he did. Tala doesn't speak much but Eddie realized the biggest lesson that a kid could ever taught him. Eddie could've died instead of Tala. Eddie burned the nipa where Tala hid in the middle of the war, and he realized that there is someone in there, but its too late. He wanted to save the kid but its his own life's at stake. Tala taught Eddie that even if she died at her young age, Eddie lived, he was able to make the customers specially the children of Ruby Pier happy and kept them away from danger. He has touched lives. He saved lives. And after that Tala and Eddie had their way to heaven.

So, I have spoiled enough. To those who wanted to read the book, you can purchase it at National Bookstore for less than Php300 and for those who really wanted to read the book but doesn't have the budget to yet, I have an ebook here, just give me your emails and ill send a copy to you. =D

Thanks for the time!n_n

Credits to Letecia Marie Trumata for the Ebook and to Mitch Albom (as if we are close!hahaha)

1 comment:

  1. Interesting... I'll grab a copy soon.

    Anyway, great starter. Keep 'em posts coming! :)
